This work presents a general unified theory for coupled nonlinear elastic and inelastic deformations of curved thin shells. The coupling is based on a multiplicative decomposition of the surface deformation gradient. The kinematics of this decomposition is examined in detail. In particular, the dependency of various kinematical quantities, such as area change and curvature, on the elastic and inelastic strains is discussed. This is essential for the development of general constitutive models. In order to fully explore the coupling between elastic and different inelastic deformations, the surface balance laws for mass, momentum, energy and entropy are examined in the context of the multiplicative decomposition. Based on the second law of thermodynamics, the general constitutive relations are then derived. Two cases are considered: Independent inelastic strains, and inelastic strains that are functions of temperature and concentration. The constitutive relations are illustrated by several nonlinear examples on growth, chemical swelling, thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity and elastoplasticity of shells. The formulation is fully expressed in curvilinear coordinates leading to compact and elegant expressions for the kinematics, balance laws and constitutive relations. (183) and consider only inelastic dilatation (â αβ = J in A αβ ) according to Sec. 3.3. Contracting (184) with a αβ and using the relations from Sec. 3.3 thus yields the evolution laẇfor J in . For a generalized viscoelastic solid, see Fig. 2b, evolution law (184) needs to be solved forâ αβ