We evaluate the thermodynamic curvature R for fluid argon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and water. For these fluids, R is mostly negative, but we also find significant regimes of positive R, which we interpret as indicating solid-like fluid properties. Regimes of positive R are present in all four fluids at very high pressure. Water has, in addition, a narrow slab of positive R in the stable liquid phase near its triple point. Also, water is the only fluid we found having R decrease on cooling into the metastable liquid phase, consistent with a possible second critical point.Keywords: metric geometry of thermodynamics; fluid equations of state; water; thermodynamic curvature; phase transitions and critical points Extracting general information from thermodynamic properties poses a challenge. Which properties to feature depends strongly on the type of system under consideration, the regime of interest, and the broader context of applicable models from statistical mechanics. Very useful for comparison between different systems would be some representation not dependent on such subjective features. In this paper, we propose R-diagrams, based on the thermodynamic curvature R, as such a representation. At a glance, R-diagrams reveal a number of important fluid properties. We key here particularly on locating solid-like properties of fluids, with particular attention to anomalies in liquid water in the vicinity of its triple point.