The kinematics of the basal allochthon in the SW of the O rdenes Complex is analysed to constraint its evolution during collisional and postcollisional stages of the Variscan orogeny. Two distinct sequences have been identified in the basal allochthon of this sector: the upper and lower sequences, in close correlation with the subdivision of the basal allochthon in the Malpica-Tui Complex. Three main tectonic episodes have been established in the basal allochthon: a high-pressure event related to continental subduction, a mesozonal event of regional exhlUllation by thrusting and reclUllbent fo lding, and a regional-scale extensional episode that resulted in the development of the Bembibre -Pico Sacro detachment system. The Bembibre-Pico Sacro system rejuvenated pre-existing shear zones, whose weakness favoured the nucleation of the detachments. Shear zones associated with the detachments overprinted the previous tectonic fabrics lUlder conditions ranging fr om lower amphibolite to greenschist fa cies, and with heterogeneously distributed ductile to brittle defonnation. The detachment system is coeval with late oTOgenic collapse and widespread magmatism, and represents its upper CTUstal expression. It correlates with mid-and lower crustal flow and the development of gneiss domes at depth in such a way that the basal allochthon can be considered a rh eological bOlUldary between the more rigid allochthonous sequences above and the more viscous Schistose Domain and autochthon below.Continental lithosphere is characterized by cumulative gwwth during orogenic periods. Long-term persistence of the structural architecture, particularly shear zones and faults, and the over lapping of fabrics, metamorphic events and magmatic episodes, determines the -way in which the lithosphere reacts to every new tectonothermal event (Neil & Houseman 1997;Holdsworth et al. 2001;Houseman & Molnar 2001). The existence of mechanical discontinuities and the variation of lithospheric thermal state seem to be essential controls that potentia11y shape subsequent episodes Holdsworth et al. 1997). Regional studies in co11isional scenarios on tectonic rene-wal of both discrete structures (reactivation) and, at a larger scale, litho spheric or crustal volmnes (reworking) are critical to under standing the rheological behaviom of an orogenic belt with time.In this context, the geodynamic evolution of the basal a11och thon in the NW Iberian Massif is examined. The basal a11ochtho nous lUlits are key pieces of the intricate and long-standing Va riscan orogenic puzzle. They represent the outermost edge of the Gondwana supercontinent, having lUldergone distinct tecto nothermal events related to the continental subduction (Dl) and subsequent co11isional deformation (D2) during the Va riscan orogeny. However, their role dming late orogenic extensional co11apse (D3) remains obscme. Here we focus on this third event (D3), dming which regional-scale extensional detachments par tia11y rejuvenated previous structures and dominated the defor mation o...