Traditional small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques utilize a focused microbeam for spatial scanning to achieve spatially resolved imaging of the nanostructures of nonuniform materials. However, this method is notably inefficient regarding information acquisition, and its spatial resolution is constrained by the beam's focusing capabilities. We propose a proof-of-concept experiment using structured illumination to demonstrate a SAXS method capable of achieving high spatial resolution. This method leverages the experimental setup of real-space ghost imaging in intensity correlation measurements. It maps reciprocal space signals—specifically, small angle scattering signals—to real space, enabling small angle scattering imaging with enhanced spatial resolution without needing beam-focusing elements. Due to its inherent compatibility with compressed sensing, this method can significantly reduce the number of measurements. Successfully validated using synchrotron radiation X-rays, this approach theoretically applies to scattering imaging of photons and high-energy particles across various wavelength bands. It holds broad application prospects in the fields of nanomaterials and biomedicine.
Published by the American Physical Society