A code validation experiment for transonic flow is described. The experimental geometry is a low aspect ratio wing, tested in a solid wall wind tunnel. Inflow conditions were measured far enough upstream of the model to allow simple specification. Experimental uncertainties are given for pressure, temperature, velocity, and position measurements, as well as bounds on model deflections and transition location. Cursory comparison with simple computational models provides a baseline of flow conditions that should be readily modeled as well as denotes those cases that will be more challenging. The data include a wide range of a, Moo, and two Re Cr . The Reynolds numbers reached in this experiment reproduce those experienced by an aircraft with a 5-m root chord, flying at 14-16 km, from Mach 0.6 to 0.8. The angle-of-attack range of the experiment extends into the regime of leading-edge separation (0 deg<«<8 deg).
Nomenclaturea = local speed of sound a* = sound speed at sonic conditions b/2 = semispan of wing C p = coefficient of pressure, (p -p^)/qĉ = local wing chord (a function of r/) c r = wing root chord c t = wing tip chord MO, = freestream Mach number M£ m = lowest Mo, at which sonic flow is attained at some point in the flowfield p t-total (pitot) pressure measured at £ 0 = -2.25, 77 = 1.6, and f=0 Poo = static pressure measured at £ 0 = -2.525, 77 = 1.6, and f=0 #00 = freestream dynamic pressure ( l /2pu£) Re Cr = Reynolds number based on root chord (U^Cr/v) T t -freestream total temperature, measured in stagnation chamber u = axial velocity v = spanwise velocity w = vertical velocity x = axial position, origin at wing root leading edge (see Fig. 2) y = spanwise position, origin at wing root leading edge (see Fig. 2) z = vertical position (normal to xy plane), origin at wing root leading edge (see Fig. 2) f = vertical distance normalized by c r , z/c r 71 = spanwise distance, normalized by b/2, 2y/b v = kinematic viscosity £ = axial distance from leading edge, normalized by local wing chord, [x-x fe (i;)]/c(i/) £o = axial distance from root leading edge, normalized by root chord, [x -Xi e (Q)]/c r p = mass density Presented as Paper 92-0402 at * Research Scientist, Modelling and Validation Branch. Senior Member AIAA. tResearch Scientist, Modelling and Validation Branch. Subscripts and Superscripts c/4 = wing quarter chord = wing leading edge = total (stagnation) conditions upstream of wing = wing trailing edge = static conditions at £o--2.525 = sonic conditions le t te oo