Abstract: This paper presents the concept of encrypting the Data from the client to the client. But using some Key generator which sets the password for sending the information. In this concept, we have two types of passwords those are Private Key and Cloud outsourced key. The password will be sent to the client through email by using unique human identity, example Special Name, user id, IP address, etc. This Paper Deals with the client, private key generator and cloud. First, the user has to register by giving their basic details for having user name and password, have to enter their personal details, including contact number, email id, country, etc. When the user Id has created, they have to log through the client login. If they have an account they can be logged in if they are not having an account, they have to register. If any loss of password can reset the password by providing the email Id. This Paper can provide the Security of the user Data. In this Paper we are using cloud storage system.