In introducing second quantization for fermions, Jordan and Wigner (1927/1928) observed that the algebra of a single pair of fermion creation and annihilation operators in quantum mechanics is closely related to the algebra of quaternions H. For the first time, here we exploit this fact to study nonlinear Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations (canonical transformations for fermions) for a single fermionic mode. By means of these transformations, a class of fermionic Hamiltonians in an external field is related to the standard Fermi oscillator. Unitary transformations play a prominent role in quantum mechanics. Like canonical transformations in classical mechanics, unitary transformations of quantum dynamical degrees of freedom often simplify the dynamical equations, or allow to introduce sensible approximation schemes. Such methods have wide-ranging applications, from the study of simple systems to many-body problems in solid-state or nuclear physics and quantum chemistry, up to the infinite-dimensional systems of quantum field theory [1,2,3,4]. Linear (unitary) canonical transformations (i.e., transformations preserving the canonical anticommutation relations (CAR)) for fermions have been introduced by Bogolyubov and Valatin (for two fermionic modes) in connection with the study of the mechanism of superconductivity [5,6,7,8,9] . Such linear canonical transformations are important from a physical as well as from a mathematical point of view. Mathematically, they allow to relate quite arbitrary Hamiltonians quadratic in the fermion creation and annihilation operators to collections of Fermi oscillators whose mathematics is very well understood. From a physical point of view, canonical transformations implement the concept of quasiparticles in terms of which the physical processes taking place can be described and understood in an effective and transparent manner. To apply the powerful tool of canonical transformations to the physically interesting class of nonquadratic Hamiltonians, however, requires to go beyond linear Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations. Certain aspects of nonlinear Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations have received some attention over time [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36] (We disregard here work done within the framework of the coupled-cluster method (CCM) [4] which is nonunitary.). However, a systematic analytic study of general (nonlinear) Bogolyubov-Valatin transformations has not been undertaken so far. In the present paper, as a first step towards this goal we are going to investigate the prototypical case of a single fermionic mode.Let us consider a pair of fermion creation and annihilation operatorsâ + ,â. Here, we regard the creation operatorâ + as the hermitian conjugate of the annihilation operatorâ:â + =â † (we will use the latter notation throughout). They obey the CAR {â † ,â} =â †â +ââ † = 1,It is now instructive to consider the following pair of antihermitian operators.These two operators obey the equation (p, q = 1, 2)