The In ter na tional Berriasian Work ing Group (ISCS) sug gested pri mary and sec ond ary marker "da tums" to fix the basal Berriasian bound ary and thus to de fine the Ju ras sic-Cre ta ceous bound ary (Wimble don et al., 2011, 2013). Two pri mary mark ers Calpionella, as well as cal car e ous nannoplankton, are prac ti cally un known in the Bo real Realm. Test ing and cal ibra tion of these mark ers, as well as of fos sils of radio lar ians and other sig nals, in the most com plete sec tions, were de clared as an im por tant task for the near fu ture. In the Tethys, the Ju ras sic-Cre ta ceous bound ary based on radio lar ians falls in side zone UAZ 13 of Baumgartner et al. (1995), whereas in the palaeo-Pa cific it cor re sponds to the bound ary be tween zones 4 and 5 of Pessagno et al. (2009), and in bo real Si be ria it prob a bly falls be tween the biohorizons of Parvicingula haeckeli and P. khabakovi. The radiolarian events at the Ju ras sic-Cre ta ceous bound ary in the bo real suc ces sions of Rus sia can be proposed to be used as an ad di tional biomarker to help de velop new in te grated bound ary cri te ria. Thus, as the first ap pear ance of the zonal spe cies Calpionella alpina, which de fines the Ju ras sic and Cre ta ceous bound ary, co in cides with the first oc currence of the cal car e ous dinocyst zonal spe cies Stomiosphaerina proxima (Reháková, 2000), it is log i cal to pro pose a cal care ous dinoflagellate, widely rep re sented in the Up per Ju ras sic-Lower Cre ta ceous Bazhenovo For ma tion of Si be ria, as a sec ond ary marker.