“…was assembled using Geneious 9.1.5 (Kearse et al, 2012 ). To determine the phylogenetic position of the new species, rRNA gene sequences of 134 hypotrich ciliates were retrieved from the NCBI database including the outgroup taxa, the urostylid clades I and II, and the 35 stylonychids [ Coniculostomum monilata (MT364889), Laurentiella strenua (AJ310487, HM140403, JX893368), Metastylonychia nodulinucleata (KY353799), Pseudostylonychia obliquocaudata (ON054917), Stylonychia ammermanni (FM209295, KP271125, MN159076), S. koreana (KX344906), S. lemnae (AF164124, AF508773, AJ310496, AJ310497, AM086653, AM086654, AM233913–AM233917, AM260993, AM260994, KX138655, and MN159068), and S. mytilus (AF164123, AF508774, AJ310498, AJ310499, AM086663–AM086667, and EF535730)] from Omar et al ( 2022 ).…”