[1] It is known that in variably saturated porous media, dispersion coefficient depends on Darcy velocity and water saturation. In one-dimensional flow, it is commonly assumed that the dispersion coefficient is a linear function of velocity. The coefficient of proportionality, called the dispersivity, is considered to depend on saturation. However, there is not much known about its dependence on saturation. In this study, we investigate, using a pore network model, how the longitudinal dispersivity varies nonlinearly with saturation. We schematize the porous medium as a network of pore bodies and pore throats with finite volumes. The pore space is modeled using the multidirectional pore-network concept, which allows for a distribution of pore coordination numbers. This topological property together with the distribution of pore sizes are used to mimic the microstructure of real porous media. The dispersivity is calculated by solving the mass balance equations for solute concentration in all network elements and averaging the concentrations over a large number of pores. We have introduced a new formulation of solute transport within pore space, where we account for different compartments of residual water within drained pores. This formulation makes it possible to capture the effect of limited mixing due to partial filling of the pores under variably saturated conditions. We found that dispersivity increases with the decrease in saturation, it reaches a maximum value, and then decreases with further decrease in saturation. To show the capability of our formulation to properly capture the effect of saturation on solute dispersion, we applied it to model the results of a reported experimental study.Citation: Raoof, A., and S. M. Hassanizadeh (2013), Saturation-dependent solute dispersivity in porous media: Pore-scale processes,