We show a general framework for constructing password-based authenticated key-exchange protocols with optimal round complexity -one message per party, sent simultaneously -in the standard model, assuming the existence of a common reference string. When our framework is instantiated using bilinear-map-based cryptosystems, the resulting protocol is also (reasonably) efficient. Somewhat surprisingly, our framework can be adapted to give protocols in the standard model that are universally composable while still using only one (simultaneous) round.
Password-Based Authenticated Key ExchangeProtocols for authenticated key exchange enable two parties to generate a shared, cryptographically strong key while communicating over an insecure network under the complete control of an adversary. Such protocols are among the most widely used and fundamental cryptographic primitives; indeed, agreement on a shared key is necessary before "higher-level" tasks such as encryption and message authentication become possible.Parties must share some information in order for authenticated key exchange to be possible. It is well known that shared cryptographic keys -either in the form of public keys or a long, uniformly random symmetric key -suffice, and several protocols in this model, building on the classic Diffie-Hellman protocol [19] (which protects only against an eavesdropping adversary and provides no authentication at all) are known; see, e.g., [7,4].Password-based protocols allow users to bootstrap a weak (e.g., short) shared secret into a (much longer) cryptographic key. The canonical application here is authentication using passwords, though protocols developed in this context can be useful even when the shared secret has high min-entropy (but is not uniform) [11]. The security guaranteed by password-based protocols (roughly speaking) is that if the password is chosen uniformly 1 from a dictionary of size D then an adversary who initiates Q on-line attacks -i.e., who actively interferes in Q sessions -has "advantage" at most Q/D. (This is inherent, as an adversary can always carry out Q impersonation attempts and succeed with this probability.) In particular, off-line dictionary attacks in which an adversary *