“…(Hughes 1968(Hughes , 1976Reynolds, 1972). Herpotrichiellaceae Munk: Acanthostigmella v. H6hnel, Berlesiella Sacc., Capronia Sacc., Dictyotrichiella Munk, Herpotrichiella Petrak, Polytrichiella Barr ( Barr 1972Barr , 1977Bigelow and Barr, 1969; (Muller and von Arx, 1962 (Butler, 1940;Kohlmeyer and Kohlmeyer, 1971;Mfiller and von Arx, 1962;Sherwood, 1977). Phillipsiellaceae v. Hohnel: Asterotexis v. Arx, Cyanodiscus Muller & Farr, Chaetoscutula Muller, Epibelonium Miller, Henningsiella Rehm, Johansonia Sacc., Phillipsiella Cke., Plochmopeltis Theiss., Pseudodiscus v. Arx & Muller, Pseudoscypha Reid & Piroz.…”