Discussion of a "'aveguide communication system is given and t he syste m is co mpared with ex isting commun ication medi a. The principal prope rties of waveguide-the mcdium of communication-are disc ussed in some detail. The particular sig nificance of heli cal a nd coated waveguides is pointed out and the design formulas in cludcd. The p lwnomenon of mode conversion-reconversion , which is pec uliar to a waveg uide communicat io n systcm , is di sc ussed in general and the basic theory as app li cab le to d es ign is also discussed . D esig n feat ures of components such as be nds, tra nsduce rs, tapers, etc., a re analyzed . The effect of waveguide di sco nt inui t ies is a nal yzed in so me detail and \'a riou ~ aspects of signa l d istort ion are a lso conside red .