According to Sanad, the pronunciation of Hijaiyah letters can serve as a benchmark for correct or valid reading based on the makhraj and properties of the letters. However, the limited number of Qur'anic Sanad teachers remains one of the obstacles to learning the Qur'an. This study aims to identify the most practical combination of classification models in constructing a voice recognition system that facilitates learning without requiring direct interaction with a teacher. The methods employed include the XGBoost algorithm and CNN. As a result, out of the 12 letter trait labels, the CNN model was utilized for 10 of them, specifically for traits S1, S2, S4, S5, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6, on trait labels S3 and T7 applying the XGBoost model. Furthermore, the inclusion of additional data yielded performance results for each property, with an average accuracy of 78.14% for property S (letters with opposing properties), 70.69% for property T (letters without opposing properties), and an overall average of 73.79% per letter.