In this model the Solar System presented to observers on the planet Earth the elegant gift: the Solar Microwave Background (SMB) formed on the Blackbody Sphere at the distance R = 140 AU. The thermalization of the Hydrogen wall at this distance was described using the Stefan-Boltzmann law where the temperature of the blackbody at the distance R = 1 AU is T = 393.6 K. Newton’s cooling law described the cooling of this blackbody surface temperature with the cooling constant κ = 1.139 × 10−4 s−1 calculated from data of the small planet Pluto (average distance R = 39.5 AU and the temperature T = 44 K). The SMB monopole temperature T = 2.7255 K was fitted for the distance R = 140 AU with the temperature of the surrounding TENV = 2.5887 K. The first important difference with the model of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the magnitude and direction of Newton’s dipole v = (200 + 141) kms−1 towards the galactic coordinates (l, b) = (84°, −48°) while the magnitude and the direction of the Doppler’s dipole of CMB is v = 368 kms−1 towards (l, b) = (264°, 48°). This new model enables to estimate the rotation velocity of the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy, the motion of the Milky Way Galaxy through the Universe, and the Harress-Sagnac color excess: v = 200 + 141 + 27 = 368 kms−1. The total motion of the Milky Way Galaxy through the Universe can be estimated with the knowledge of the Cold Spot direction in the SMB and the motion towards the Galactic South Pole. In this model, the Milky Way Galaxy can avoid collision with the Andromeda Galaxy. The observed quadrupole, octopole, and hemisphere structure of the SMB can be explained as the local motion of the Sun and the Solar axis inclination towards the ecliptic–the Axis of evil should be renamed as the Solar axis bringing to us a good opportunity to discover differences between the SMB and the CMB. The first peak in the power spectrum of the SMB at the distance R = 140 AU is observed from the COBE, WMAP, and PLANCK satellites rotating around the Sun at the distance R = (2×1) AU under the angle θ = 0.818°. The power spectrum observed from the planets Mercury and Jupiter will have different positions of the first and higher peaks. The original Solar signature should be visible as the moving shadows of the Sunspots on the Blackbody Sphere. There were proposed several experiments on how to distinguish between the SMB and the CMB.