The SPES project, based on a variable energy high current proton cyclotron (35-70 MeV; 750 μA), soon to be operational at LNL, foresees a neutron irradiation facility for Single Event Effects (SEE) studies on microelectronic components and systems. The proposed facility will comprise both a beam line with continuous energy atmosphericlike neutron production targets, and a Quasi Mono-energetic Neutron (QMN) beam line. A direct proton beam line is also foreseen. Here we describe the general features of the proposed QMN beam line. The quasi mono-energetic neutrons will be produced in various thin Be and Li targets and the spent proton beam will be magnetically deflected towards a beam dump. The layout of the facility with a multi-angle collimator scheme for tail corrections is presented and the proton currents necessary to deliver high neutron fluxes using thin Be targets are estimated.