For a study of the European Space Agency ESA, Fraunhofer ILT developed and built single-frequency, linearly polarized, power-stabilized fiber amplifiers as elegant breadboard (EBB) with an output power <3 W for the future space-based gravitational wave detector LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). The fiber amplifier developed at Fraunhofer ILT in a previous phase has fulfilled most of the optical performance requirements, except the relative intensity noise (RIN) [1]. In this paper, we present our revised and optimized fiber amplifier which now, in addition to the earlier demonstrated parameters, fulfills the LISA RIN requirements. Currently, the engineering model (EM) of the chosen fiber amplifier concept is being implemented by our project partner SpaceTech GmbH. Furthermore, since the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the components has to be confirmed for the EM, Fraunhofer ILT conducted 1000hours operational long-term tests of the components installed in a thermal-vacuum chamber and 2-weeks nonoperational tests in a thermal cycling chamber to qualify them for space applications.