“…sp. Japan), with reference to a standard key (Roberts, 1970 from platypuses 50 and 104, respectively) were analysed ( was performed for initial sample screening, as previously described v7.017 (Katoh et al, 2002) and refined by MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004) 257 were tested for the most appropriate nucleotide substitution mod-258 els by MEGA6 (partial deletion option, with 95% threshold) 259 (Tamura et al, 2011) (Akaike Information Criterion), prior to recon-260 structing the phylogeny by PhyML (Guindon et al, 2010), through 261 the T-REX server (Boc et al, 2012 GenBank accession numbers AJ620565 and AJ132351, respec-347 tively) (Hamilton et al, 2005), in a distinct clade with up to 98% 348 bootstrap value (Fig. 2).…”