Based on the ITER edge database, comparisons among the major tokamaks (ASDEX, ASDEX-Up, COMPASS-D, C-MOD, DIII-D, JET, JFT-2M and JT-60U) with respect to systematic SOL-width behavior are presented in terms of free-form regression analysis for k ne and k e . Emphasis is placed on OH-L plasmas as this data is most abundant and coherent. Despite di erences in size, wall-conditioning and divertor con®guration, broadly similar trends are found in the regimes of low-and high-recycling and partially-detached divertor operation. In the low-recycling regime all machines appear to underlie a size scaling: k ne min , k e min $ const.(surface area/I p ) 0X7 . Operation at high q95, high densities with respect to the Greenwald limit, or high powers leads to SOL widths considerably in excess of the values indicated by this simple scaling, and are documented in the form of machine-speci®c or machine-group-speci®c parametric expressions. For ELMy H-modes there is a general, but not universal, trend of smaller k ne and k e being associated with higher core con®nement. On ASDEX-Up the SOL pressure e-folding length can vary as n e I À2 p for ELMy H-modes. Ó