The new generation of low radio-frequency interferometric arrays have enabled
the imaging of the solar corona at high spectro-temporal resolutions and
sensitivity. In this article we introduce and implement a formalism to generate
flux density and brightness temperature ($T_{\mathrm B}$) maps from such
images, using independently obtained disc-integrated solar flux density dynamic
spectra. These images collectively generate a 4D data cube, with axes spanning
angular coordinates ($\theta,\phi$), frequency ($\nu$) and time ($t$). This 4D
data cube is the most informative data product which can be generated from
interferometric radio data. It will allow us to track solar emission
simultaneously in these four dimensions. We also introduce SPatially REsolved
Dynamic Spectra (SPREDS), named in analogy to the usual dynamic spectra. For
any arbitrary region, ($\theta_i,\phi_j$), in the maps, these 2D projections of
the 4D data cube correspond to the dynamic spectrum of emission arising from
there. We show examples of these data products using observations from the
Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). These are also the first calibrated solar maps
from the MWA