Abstract. Let f (t) be a real continuous function on an interval, and consider the operator function f (X) defined for Hermitian operators X. We will show that if f (X) is increasing w.r.t. the operator order, then for F (t) = f (t)dt the operator function F (X) is convex. Let h(t) and g(t) be C 1 functions defined on an interval I. Suppose h(t) is non-decreasing and g(t) is increasing.
Then we will define the continuous kernel function K h, g by K h, g (t, s) = (h(t) − h(s))/(g(t) − g(s)), which is a generalization of the Löwner kernel function. We will see that it is positive definite if and only if h(A) h(B) whenever g(A) g(B)for Hermitian operators A, B, and we give a method to construct a large number of infinitely divisible kernel functions.