RÉSUMÉDans une centrale nucléaire (CNPE), la localisation des points chauds est une préoc-cupation importante, car ils participent à la dose que reçoivent les intervenants, en particulier lors des opérations de maintenance.
Article publié par EDP SciencesVol. 48, n°4 , pages 471 à 492 E. GAILLARD-LECANU et al. 472 RADIOPROTECTION -VOL. 48 -N°4 (2013) image with a visible image, in order to locate radioactive sources in a given area. Onsite measurements at the Tricastin EDF NPP, combined with specific developments at CEA, have been carried out in order to meet the particular environmental and radiological conditions experienced in such industrial facilities: the relatively high energy of cobalt-60 (1.17 and 1.33 MeV) and the existence of an ubiquitous background. This article will present the specifications required, the corresponding improvements and the main results obtained during the on-site measurements campaigns. Even if they were dedicated to the qualification of the camera, the tests carried out showed useful results like the leakage lines along a lead protection and the displacement of a hot spot in a pipe (compared to its identified position). At the end, further developments are presented.