We address the problem of locating small hydropower dams in an environmentally friendly manner. We propose the use of a multi-objective optimization model to maximize total hydropower production, while limiting negative impacts on river connectivity. Critically, we consider the so called backwater e ects that dams have on power generation at nearby upstream sites via changes in water surface pro les. We further account for the likelihood that migratory sh and other aquatic species can successfully pass hydropower dams and other arti cial/natural barriers and how this is in uenced by backwater e ects.Although naturally represented in nonlinear form, we manage through a series of linearization steps to formulate a mixed integer linear programing model. We illustrate the utility of our proposed framework using a case study from England and Wales. Interestingly, we show that for England and Wales, a region heavily impacted by a large number of existing river barriers, that installation of small hydropower dams tted with even moderately e ective sh passes can, in fact, create a win-win situation that results in increased hydropower and improved river connectivity.