The methionine salvage pathway (MSP) recycles reduced sulfur from 5-methylthioribose. Here we propose a novel ribose metabolic pathway performed by MSP enzymes of Bacilli. MtnK, an initial catalyst of MSP, had significant ribose kinase activity, with V max and K m values of 2.9 mol min À1 mg of protein À1 and 4.8 mM. Downstream enzymes catalyzed the isomerization of ribose-1-phosphate and subsequent dehydration, enolization, dephosphorylation, and dioxygenation.Key words: methionine salvage pathway; Bacillus subtilis; ribose; 5-methylthioriboseThe most living organisms utilize the methionine salvage pathway (MSP) to recycle reduced sulfur from a by-product of polyamine synthesis, 5-methylthioribose (MTR). 1) Our previous study identified that six enzymes coded from two neighboring MSP operons, mtnKA and mtnWXBD, catalyze sequential metabolic steps in the MSP of Bacillus subtilis (Fig. 1). 2,3) In this pathway, MtnK (MTR kinase), MtnA (isomerase), MtnB (dehydratase), MtnW (enolase), MtnX (phosphatase), MtnD (dioxygenase), and various aminotransferases regenerate methionine from MTR.X-Ray crystallographic analyses of MSP enzymes revealed that MtnK, MtnA, and MtnW (PDB: 2PUN, 2YVK, and 2ZVI respectively) possess specific hydrophobic pockets recognizing the methylthio groups of each substrate, but recent 1 H-NMR analysis has revealed that ribose (which possesses a 5-hydroxy group instead of a 5-methylthio group) is converted to 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-hydroxypentenyl-1-phosphate (HK-HPenyl-1-P) by reaction of MtnK, MtnA, MtnB, and MtnW from B. subtilis.4) These results suggest that MSP enzymes recognize substrate derivatives with both the 5-methylthio and the 5-hydroxy group. Hence we hypothesize that all MSP enzymes coded from the two mtn operons sequentially catalyze the six reactions using ribose as initial substrate in the pathway (Fig. 1). In the proposed ribose metabolic pathway, MtnK phosphorylates ribose to yield ribose-1-phosphate (R-1-P), with ATP as the phosphoryl donor. R-1-P aldose is isomerized to ribulose-1-phosphate (Ru-1-P) ketose by MtnA, and subsequently MtnB removes H 2 O from Ru-1-P, generating 2,3-diketo-5-hydroxypentyl-1-phosphate (DK-HP-1-P). At the next step, MtnW generates HK-HPenyl-1-P from DK-HP-1-P. In addition to these four reported reactions of MtnK to MtnW, 4) HK-HPenyl-1-P is dephosphorylated by MtnX, producing 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-hydroxypentene (DHK-HPene). DHK-HPene is finally converted to formate and the homoserine precursor, 2-keto-4-hydroxybutyrate (KHB), by the Fe 2þ -bound form of MtnD. Our hypothesis suggests the possibility of a novel ribose metabolic pathway in which ribose is converted to the key metabolite, homoserine. To address this possibility, we investigated (i) enzymatic properties of MtnK and MtnA for their activities towards ribose and R-1-P, and (ii) the dehydration, enolization, dephosphorylation, and dioxygenation activities of the MSP enzymes to identify the downstream metabolites derived from ribose. Before the enzymatic assays, histidinetagged MtnK, MtnA, MtnB...