In the last decade, increasing interest on the use of aqueous micellar solution has been found in the field of separation science. The unique physical and chemical properties of ionic liquids make them most suitable candidates as an additive with nonionic surfactants in cloud point extraction. A surfactant-mediated cloud point extraction process has been adopted for the removal of Coralene red dye using tetraethyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid as an additive with nonionic surfactant Triton X-100. The detailed study on effect of various operating parameters such as temperature, time, concentration of surfactant, dye and IL on extraction of dye has been carried out to find out optimum conditions. The extraction of dye was found to be increased with temperature, time, surfactant concentration and IL concentration. A developed Langmuir isotherm was used to compute the feed surfactant concentration required for the removal of Coralene red dye up to an extraction efficiency of 90 %. The effect of temperature and concentration of surfactant and dye on various thermodynamic parameters was examined, and it was found that the values of DG
Graphical AbstractKeywords Langmuir isotherm Á Nonionic surfactant Á Thermodynamic parameter