The properties of nematic liquid-crystal mixtures of 6alkoxyphenyl frans-4-alkylcyclohexanecarboxylates are studied as a function of temperature and their av_erage molecular length (L).Mixturesareprepared with clearpoints near 72°C(f30C)and with L varying between21.2Oand 26.15 A. At 25°C. their flow viscosity increases exponentially (from 16.3 t o 50.6 cP) as L increases. The conductivity anisotropy ( U ,~/ U J also vanes tremendously, decreasing from 1.62 to 0.49 as L increases, when compared at 25°C with tetrabutylammonium tetraphenylboride as dopant. The low values of ol /eland its temperature dependence indicate that cybotatic nematic characteristics occur when the average total number of alkyl carbons from both end groups is 8.5 or more. Short range smectic effects are dominant in the longer mixtures. All of the mi_xtures have a negative dielectricanisotropy, which linearly becomes I_ess negative with increasing L. At 25°C. dynamic scattering (DS) is observed only in the shorter L mixtures (where oll/ol > I), and the DS decay timesare relativelyfast. Comparisonsare made with similar studies onp-alkoxyphenyl p-alkylbenzoate mixtures.