Rotational spectra have been assigned for five isotopic species of the OC-HBr hydrogen-bonded molecular complex by using pulsed microwave Fourier transform spectroscopy in a Fabry-Perot cavity and a pulsed supersonic'nozzle as the molecular source. The'rotational constants, centrifugal distortion constants, Br nuclear-quadrupole-coupling constants, and Br spin-rotation constants were determined and from them, the vibrationally averaged structure of OCUBr was derived. This structure'is consistent with a linear geometry' at equilibrium and an atomic arrangement'as written above. The intermnolecular potential binding CO to HBr is discussed. A method for the measurement of the molecular properties of transient and other weakly bound molecular species has been developed'by applying Fourier transform techniques in the microwave frequency range (1-4). The method combines the principles of the pulsed Fourier transform microwave technique, a Fabry-Perot cavity, and synchronization of the microwave pulse with a pulsed supersonic-nozzle beam of a gaseous mixture used to generate, in this case, weak van der Waals molecular complexes (5, 6).In this paper, we report rotational assignments for five isotopic species of the weakly bound OCHBr"molecular complex (7). The rotational spectrum of OCHBr was measured at 11-18 GHz. From the measured transition frequencies, the rotational constants, centrifugal distortion constants, Br nuclear-quadrupole-coupling constants, and Br spin-rotation constants were obtained and, by using these constants, the vibrationally averaged structure of OCHBr was derived. OCHBr is nearly linear. We also used the structure and spectroscopic constants of OCHBr to obtain information on the potential that binds CO to HBr. Finally, we compared OCHBr with the ArHBr (8) and KrHBr (8) van der Waals molecules and noted the similarities and differences. EXPERIMENTAL Apparatus. A microwave oscillator at frequency v is phase stabilized to a harmonic of a lower frequency oscillator, which is monitored by using a frequency counter. The primary oscillator is then used to phase stabilize the local oscillator at a frequency of v -30 MHz; this second oscillator is used in the subsequent superheterodyne detection of the signal. The primary microwave source at v is then formed into a pulse by a switch, after which the pulse is impedance matched to a Fabry-Perot cavity. Maximum polarization of the gas is achieved after a ir/2 pulse, T2 >? tp, where T2 is the polarization relaxation time, which is related to the low-power steady-state transition half-width at half-height by AP = 1/ (2irT2), and tp is the microwave pulse length. After polarization of a band of molecular frequencies centered at v, the microwave pulse is switched off, and the pulse dissipates over a relaxation time of rt, the cavity relaxation time. We now require that the molecules maintain their coherent polarization for a period of time long relative to T ; i.e., T2 >> 'r. The T2 >> r, requirement allows the original microwave pulse to die away befor...