The present study is performed on the way and mechanism by which ion size changes curves of differential electrical capacitance (C d ) vs surface charge strength |σ| and energy storage density E vs applied voltage U of an electrical double layer (EDL) formed inside a cylindrical pore electrode. Several valuable findings are made. (i) The C d −|σ| curve generally rises as a result of solvent granularity, which combined with simultaneous higher ion (whether counter-or co-ion) size and higher electrolyte bulk concentration, causing obvious overall morphology change of the curve. (ii) Smaller counterion always raises greatly both C d and E, whereas the co-ion size only has a very weak influence on C d over a range of |σ| around zero, and has almost no influence on E. (iii) One higher counterion electrical valence helps in raising both C d and E, but the electrolyte bulk concentration has no obvious influence on both C d and E in the presence of a higher valence counterion. (iv) The change rate of E with σ exhibits an inflection point at an appropriately large value of |σ| if the counterion valence is not too high (for example, bivalence), and simultaneously the counterion diameter increases. The above findings and relevant mechanisms can be explained reasonably by the changes of ions local distributions in the EDL and their adsorption capacities.