Excellent fits were obtained by Talantsev (MPLB 33, 1950195, 2019) to the temperature (T)-dependent upper critical field (H c2 (T)) data of H 3 S reported by Mozaffari et al. [Nature Communications 10, 2522] by employing four alternative phenomenological models, each of which invoked two or more properties from its sample-specific set S 1 = {T c , gap, coherence length, penetration depth, jump in sp.ht.} and a single value of the effective mass (m*) of an electron. Based on the premise that the variation of H c2 (T) is due to the variation of the chemical potential μ(T), we report here fits to the same data by employing a T-, μand m*-dependent equation for H c2 (T) and three models of μ(T), viz. the linear, the parabolic and the concave-upward model.For temperatures up to which the data are available, each of these provides a good fit. However, for lower values of T, their predictions differ. Notably, the predicted values of H c2 (0) are much higher than in any of the models dealt with by Talantsev. In sum, we show here that the addressed data are explicable in a framework comprising the set S 2 = {μ, m*, interaction parameter λ m , Landau index N L }, which is altogether different from S 1 .