.10, F(1,57)=6.23, p=0.016). We were unable to find any association between the circulating androgens and scores on the masculinity-femininity scale (Mf). We were also unable to document any association between the weak adrenal androgens DHEA and DHEA-S and depression in contrast to several published reports. (c) Our data suggest a marginally significant association between progesterone and scores on the 7-Pt (obsessive/compulsive/psychasthenia) scale (r=0.27, p<0.05). However, only 7% of the 7-Pt variance was explained by progesterone (r 2 =0.071, F(1,50)=3.81, p=0.057). cONcluSIONS: We have found that total testosterone was associated with the paranoia score, the metabolic product of activated androgens, 3alpha-diolG, to social introversion and, finally, progesterone to obsessive-compulsive behavior.