Libya has started transferring traditional government services into e-government services. The e-government initiative involves the use of websites to offer various services such as civil registration, financial transaction and private information handling. Currently, there has not been many studies about the security assessment of the Libyan government websites. Therefore, in this paper, we did a web security assessment of 16 Libyan government websites. The main purpose of this study is to determine the security level of these websites. The web security assessment was done in four phases: Reconnaissance, Enumeration and Scanning, Vulnerability assessment (web vulnerabilities and SSL encryption evaluation) and Content Analysis(security and privacy policies). The results showed that 9 websites have high and medium level vulnerabilities. Only 3 websites have A SSL rating. Also, only 3 websites have published security and privacy policies. We found 1 highly unsafe website, 6 unsafe websites, 8 somewhat safe websites and, 1 safe website. Overall, the study indicated the Libyan government websites are adequately secured without major security issues. Since these Libyan government websites deal with sensitive data, adequate security measures should be implemented to reduce the vulnerabilities and to mitigate future cyber security attacks.