Many researchers have revealed that relative permeability depends on the gas-water-rock interactions and ultimately affects the fluid flow regime. However, the way that relative permeability changes with fractal porous media has been unclear so far. In this paper, an improved gas-water relative permeability model was proposed to investigate the mechanism of gas-water displacement in fractal porous media. First, this model took the complexity of pore structure, geometric correction factor, water film, and the real gas effect into account. Then, this model was compared with two classical models and verified against available experimental data. Finally, the effects of structural parameters (pore-size distribution fractal dimension and tortuosity fractal dimension) on gas-water relative permeability were investigated. It was found that the sticking water film on the surface of fracture has a negative effect on water relative permeability. The increase of geometric correction factor and the ignorance of real gas effect cause a decrease of gas relative permeability.Water 2020, 12, 27 2 of 24 relative permeability is equal to 1, which does not agree with the actual fluid flow in porous media. Subsequently, this model was further modified by many scholars. Gates and Leitz [8] integrated the relative permeability from the capillary pressure. Burdine [9] thought that the assumption of capillary parallelism was not accurate and introduced the tortuosity factor into the Purcell model. Mualem [10] proposed an integration method based on the Purcell model. For simplicity, Romm [11] developed a relative permeability model which ignored the phase interference between the gas and water phases. This model is also called the X model. Brooks and Corey [12] introduced a pore-size distribution index to modify the capillary pressure function and proposed a more generalized gas-water relative permeability model. The Brooks-Corey model has been widely used in modeling two-phase flow in complex porous media. Fourar and Lenormand [13] derived a viscous coupling model after integrating Stokes' equation and the effect of viscosity. Combined with momentum balance, viscosity, and cubic law, Chima and Geiger [14] developed a new relative permeability model. After ignoring the capillary pressure, Chima's model became a unique form of the viscous coupling model. Li et al. [15] improved Chima's model through the consideration of the influences of capillary tortuosity and irreducible water saturation on relative permeability. The above relative permeability models have made significant contributions to the prediction of two-phase flow in porous media. They also found that the relative permeability of the gas phase is more susceptible to the geometry of flow channels. However, these relative permeability models did not thoroughly consider the effects of complex pore microstructures on fluid flow.