The demand for credit is increasing constantly. Banks are looking for various methods of credit evaluation that provide the most accurate results in a shorter period in order to minimize their rising risks. This study focuses on various methods that enable the banks to increase their asset quality without market loss regarding the credit allocation process. These methods enable the automatic evaluation of loan applications in line with the sector practices, and enable determination of credit policies/strategies based on actual needs. Within the scope of this study, the relationship between the predetermined attributes and the credit limit outputs are analyzed by using a sample data set of consumer loans. Random forest (RF), sequential minimal optimization (SMO), PART, decision table (DT), J48, multilayer perceptron(MP), JRip, naïve Bayes (NB), one rule (OneR) and zero rule (ZeroR) algorithms were used in this process. As a result of this analysis, SMO, PART and random forest algorithms are the top three approaches for determining customer credit limits.