The aim o f this work is to present the influence of solution heat treatment temperatures study and the corresponding variation on mechanical properties of Incoloy® 945 (Ni-Fe-Cr based alloy). The current literature on Incoloy® 945, designed by Special Metals Corporation, disclose that the solution heat treatment temperature is set to the range of 1010 °C to 1066 °C, where excessive grain growth might occur, which consequently, degrades its mechanical properties. The XRD pattern of the samples heat treated at different solution heat treatments in the present study indicate the presence of the y' phase, comprising N i3(Al, Ti). A large decrease in hardness with a small amount of grain growth (ASTM grain size 7) occurs at a temperature of 1020 °C primarily due to dissolution of the y' hardening phase as well as deleterious phases such as the carbides which are not present in a great amount.