In this paper, an important discovery has been found for nonconforming immersed finite element (IFE) methods using integral-value degrees of freedom for solving elliptic interface problems. We show that those IFE methods can only achieve suboptimal convergence rates (i.e., O(h 1/2 ) in the H 1 norm and O(h) in the L 2 norm) if the tangential derivative of the exact solution and the jump of the coefficient are not zero on the interface. A nontrivial counter example is also provided to support our theoretical analysis. To recover the optimal convergence rates, we develop a new nonconforming IFE method with additional terms locally on interface edges. The unisolvence of IFE basis functions is proved on arbitrary triangles. Furthermore, we derive the optimal approximation capabilities of both the Crouzeix-Raviart and the rotated-Q1 IFE spaces for interface problems with variable coefficients via a unified approach different from multipoint Taylor expansions. Finally, optimal error estimates in both H 1 -and L 2 -norms are proved and confirmed with numerical experiments.