Computer controlled power supplies are usually expensive when high performance (power, wide voltage range, low ripple factor and low response time) are required. This paper presents a simple and effective computer controlled DC system based on a commercial V/f inverter combined with a three-phase bridge rectifier and a LC power filter. Because of the widely variable frequency range of the V/f inverter when a wide range of voltage is required, amorphous or ferromagnetic core coils are avoided, and air core coils become an excellent solution to implement the filter and increase the efficiency of the power system. The proposed method for designing the LC filter is based on the full dynamic model of the filter-load set and the selection of the desired poles of the system according to the load to be coupled. The proposed topology lets obtain good time responses (setting time less than 100 ms) and good ripple factor (less than 1%) without any overshooting, even when low voltage output is required.