Evidence is growing that the citric acid cycle, like many other metabolic pathways, might exist in vivo as a more or less tightly organized multi-enzyme cluster. The term 'metabolon' [Robinson, J. B. & Srere, P. A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 10800-108051 was recently introduced to describe such a complex of sequential metabolic enzymes.We adopted the technique of affinity electrophoresis for the study of interactions between the cycle enzymes fumarase and malate dehydrogenase. This approach offers several advantages over our previously described affinity chromatographic technique [Beeckmans, S. & Kanarek, L. (1981) Eur. J . Biochem. 117, 527-5351, one of which is the fact that the interaction can be directly visualized. The observed association is specific since both metabolically unrelated proteins and the cytoplasmic isoenzyme of malate dehydrogenase do not interact with fumarase.Several metabolites (citrate, isocitrate, 2-oxoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate, oxaloacetate, Pi, AMP, ADP, NAD', NADH) were found not to affect the association between fumarase and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. Both ATP, Mg2+-ATP and GTP disrupt the association when they are present at 1 mM concentrations. Lower non-physiological ATP concentrations do not, however, disturb the interaction. The presence of 1 mM ADP was found to abolish the disrupting effect of 1 mM ATP. The latter findings are suggestive of an interruption of the citric acid cycle at the level of fumarase under conditions of high energy load (i.e. high ATP/ ADP ratios).Whereas it was generally assumed in the past that the enzymes of a metabolic pathway are randomly distributed in their particular subcellular compartment or organelle, evidence is accumulating that, on the contrary, a cell should rather be considered to be a fully organized entity where all the constituent pathways are segregated as multi-enzyme complexes or multi-enzyme clusters, which very often seem to be associated with cellular structural elements (see [l -171 for recent reviews). Such an organization of pathways as 'metabolons' [I81 offers several advantages for a cell: (a) intermediates are passed directly to the next enzyme of the pathway, thereby circumventing diffusion problems arising from the organization of cellular water in layers along the surface of ubiquitous membranous and skeletal structures [19], and from the apparent crowdedness, in terms of protein content inside cells and organelles [20,21]; (b) intermediates can easily and efficiently be channeled by switching on and off of welldefined enzyme-enzyme interactions in response to changing local metabolite concentrations, allowing the cell to regulate meticulously its overall metabolism according to its momentary needs and, moreover, avoiding competition between opposite pathways; (c) energetically difficult steps in a pathway will readily be overcome; (d) a special environment is created around a pathway so that a high flux can be maintained with a moderate number of intermediate molecules; (e) labile intermediates are ...