This paper is concerned with the development of high-order well-balanced central schemes to solve the shallow water equations in two spatial dimensions. A Runge-Kutta scheme with a natural continuous extension is applied for time discretization. A Gaussian quadrature rule is used to evaluate time integrals and a three-degree polynomial which calculates point-values from cell averages or flux values by avoiding the increase in the number of solution extrema at the interior of each cell is used as reconstruction operator. That polynomial also guarantees that the number of extrema does not exceed the initial number of extrema and thus it avoids spurious numerical oscillations in the computed solution. A new procedure has been defined to evaluate the flux integrals and to approach the 2D source term integrals in order to verify the exact C-property, using the water surface elevation instead of the water depth as a variable. Numerical experiments have confirmed the high-resolution properties of our numerical scheme in 2D test problems. The well-balanced property of the resulting scheme has also been investigated.