Abstract. The notion of bi-continuous semigroups has recently been introduced to handle semigroups on Banach spaces that are only strongly continuous for a topology coarser than the norm-topology. In this paper, as a continuation of the systematic treatment of such semigroups started in [20][21][22], we provide a bounded perturbation theorem, which turns out to be quite general in view of various examples.
Introduction.While the theory of C 0 -semigroups is well understood and has found a wide range of applications, there are important examples of semigroups of bounded linear operators on Banach spaces that are not strongly continuous on [0, ∞) with respect to the norm-topology (see, e.g., [5,[20][21][22]24] and also [8,12,18,19,23]). To deal with such semigroups the notion of bi-continuous semigroups has been introduced recently by F. Kühnemund ([20-22]). Among the semigroups that fit into this setting are adjoint semigroups ([20, 24]), evolution semigroups on C b (R), semigroups induced by flows ([13-15]), implemented semigroups ([2, 3]) and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup on C b (H) ([9, 10, 20, 25]). In [21,22], F. Kühnemund obtained generation and approximation theorems for such semigroups (see also [1,6]). Although perturbation results for semigroups which are not strongly continuous were investigated for example in [11,17] and [24, Ch. 4] in a different setting, a general perturbation theory of generators of bi-continuous semigroups is still lacking. Our aim is to close this gap and to provide a bounded perturbation theorem for bi-continuous semigroups. It turns out that some additional assumptions on the perturbing operator are needed.In Section 2 we give some examples showing that we cannot expect that a bounded perturbation theorem holds in general. In Section 3 we prove the bounded perturbation theorem for bi-continuous semigroups, and we