Several activities were designed to encourage participation of students and young scientists, including registration fee waivers, assistance with travel and hotel costs, poster prize and best presentation awards, and a career roundtable.Except for the $500 administration fee, all funds were used to support the participation of students and young scientists. These funds allowed students and young scientists to attend the premier US meeting in the field and network with the top international scientists in the field. They had the opportunity not only to learn about the state-of-the-art in the field, but also interact with motivational scientists from around the World. It is anticipated that new contacts and collaborations were generated and many left with an increased interest in the field of f-element chemistry. The program of the 25 th Rare Earth Research Conference (RERC08) integrated basic and applied multidisciplinary research centered on the f-elements. Leading science was featured in the form of invited oral presentations and contributed posters on topics in f-element chemistry, physics, and material, earth, environmental, and biological sciences. The conference was held in Shelby Hall, located on The University of Alabama's Tuscaloosa, AL campus. The final program and list of attendees is available at URL
Conference Information
Spedding AwardA highlight of the meeting was the recognition of the accomplishments of an internationallyrecognized scientist, Professor William Evans, with the presentation of the Spedding Award. This prestigious award is given in recognition of excellence and achievement in research centered on the science and technology of rare earths. The awardee is selected by a committee from submitted nominations. The award consists of a medal mounted on a plaque and a monetary sum of $1,000, sponsored by Bracco Research USA Inc. The Spedding Award winner was asked to present a lecture on the highlights of his or her work at the meeting.
Plenary Lectures
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488 (2009) 491Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Every conference also needs strong financial supporters and RERC08 was no different. We are grateful for the financial and personal participation of the RERC08 sponsors, Bracco Research USA Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences; Ames Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and The University of Alabama.
Journal of Alloys and CompoundsFinally, I need to thank all of my staff and students that contributed to the local arrangements and the smooth operation of the meeting. The Conference Coordinator, Ms. Mihaela Rogers, also sends her thanks to all of the participants and their good humor which all led to a pleasant conference experience from both participants and organizers. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488 (2009) [493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510] Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Although f element chemistry has progress...