“…All samples were inoculated onto three isolation media: 1) Esculin blood agar consisting of peptone (Difco) 11.66 g, agar 12.0 g, meat extract (Fleischextrakt trocken, Merck) 4.0 g, Na2HP04, 2H,O 1.5 g, NaCl 5.0 g, yeast extract (Difco) 3.0 g, esculin (Merck) 1.0 g, tryptone (Difco) 8.3 g, glucose (Merck) 0.44 g and distilled water 1000 ml (pH 7.4), supplied with 5% sterile bovine stabilized blood. 2) Selective streptococcus medium (20,26), which also allows growth of yeasts and algae, consisting of esculin blood agar supplied with neomycin 0.425 mg / 100 ml, polymyxin B sulphate (Sigma) 0.22 mg/100 ml, and sodium fusidate (Leo) 0.05 mg/100 ml. 3)…”