EUR (Estimated Ultimate Recovery) forecasting in unconventional fields has been a tough process sourced by its physics involved in the production mechanism of such systems which makes it hard to model or forecast. Machine learning (ML) based EUR prediction becomes very challenging because of the operational issues and the quality of the data in historical production. Geology-driven EUR forecasting, once established, offers EUR forecasting solutions that is not affected by operational issues such as shut-ins. This study illustrates the overall methodology in intelligent fields with real-time data flow and model update that enables optimization of well placement in addition to EUR forecasting for individual wells.
A synthetic but realistic model which demonstrates the physics is utilized to generate input data for training the ML model where the spatially-distributed geological parameters including but not limited to porosity, permeability, saturation have been used to describe the production values and ultimately the EUR. The completion is given where the formation characteristics vary in the field that lead to location-dependent production performance leading to well placement optimization based on EUR forecasting from the geological parameters. The algorithm not only predicts the EUR of an individual well and makes decision for the optimum well locations. As the training model includes data of interfering wells, the model is capable of capturing the pattern in the well interference.
Even though a synthetic but realistic reservoir model is constructed to generate the data for the aim of assisting the ML model, in practice, it is not an easy task to (1) obtain the input parameters to build a robust reservoir simulation model and (2) understanding and modeling of physics of fluid flow and production in unconventionals is a complex and time-consuming task to build real models. Thus, data-driven approaches like this help to speed up reservoir management and development decisions with reasonable approximations compared to numerical models and solutions. Application of machine learning in intelligent fields is also explained where the models are dynamically-updated and trained with the new data.
Geology-driven EUR forecasting has been applied and relatively-new in the industry. In. this study, we are extending it to optimize well placement in intelligent fields in unconventionals beyond other existing studies in the literature.