“…They green-cubic myoepithelial cells. ac, amoebocyte; am, abfrontal muscle; ap, apical process; az, abfrontal zone; bv, blood vessel; cc, coelomic canal; cfm, central part of frontal muscle; cr, centriole; dp, digital process; ecm, extacellular matrix; fg, frontal groove; fm, frontal muscle; fr, frontal ridge; gc, Golgi complex; in, inclusion; lat, lateral coelothelium; lfm, lateral part of frontal muscle; lr, lateral ridge; mf, myofilaments; mt, mitochondria; na, nucleus of cell of abfrontal muscle; nb, nucleus of cell of blood vessel wall; nf, nucleus of cells of frontal muscle; pn, peritoneal neurite; TEM, transmission electron microscopy The organization of the tentacle muscles has been previously studied by light microscopy in rhynchonelliform brachiopods, that is, in the terebratulids Macandrevia cranium (Atkins, 1959a), Platidia anomioides (Atkins, 1959b), Terebratalia transversa (Atkins, 1959с), Pumilus antiquatus (Atkins, 1958), and Megerlia truncata (Atkins, 1961), and in the rhynchonellid Notosaria nigricans (Atlins, 1963;Hoverd, 1985); in the craniiform N. anomala (Blochmann, 1892;Atkins & Rudwick, 1962); and in the linguliform L. anatina (Chuang, 1956). Histological studies were subsequently improved with ultrastructural investigations (TEM) of the structure of the tentacles of L. anatina (Storch & Welsch, 1976;Temereva, 2017), T. transversa (Reed & Cloney, 1977), and Hemithiris psittacea .…”