“…Cyrtodactylus soni from Hoa Binh province, Vietnam (Fig. 1 A-C Morphological characters of the specimens from Hoa Binh province agreed with the description of Cyrtodactylus soni by Le et al (2016). Medium-size (SVL) 86.1-92.5 mm (mean ± SD: 88.4 ± 3.6 mm); tail length (TaL) 101.2-108.6 mm (mean ± SD: 105 ± 3.7mm); head elongated, depressed (mean HW/mean HL 0.67), distinct from neck; loreal region concave; snout long (mean SE/mean HL 0.41), longer than diameter of the orbit (mean OD/mean SE 0.51); snout scales small, granular; eye large (mean OD/mean HL 0.21), pupils vertical; ear oval shaped, small; rostral wider than high, rostral bordered by nostril, and first supranasal on each side; nares round, surrounded by supranasal, rostral, first supralabial, and three postnasals; mental triangular; postmentals two, enlarged, in broad contact posteriorly, bordered by mental anteriorly, first infralabial laterally, and an enlarged chin scale posteriorly; supralabials 10-11; infralabials 9-10.…”