The swallowtail butterfly is the widespread vigorous destructive pest of new growing green leaves of Citrus limon, the different species of predators and parasitoids on major pests were observed field and laboratory conditions during, 2022. The overall population of LBF was recorded (26.23±5.12) on C. limon leaves and the natural enemies were also observed namely; Peucetia viridans consequent to Cheiracanthium punctorium, Halyomorpha halys, Agelenopsis sp., Delta pyriforme (0.13±0.36), Geocoris punctipes (0.14±0.37), Aculepeira ceropegia (0.10±0.31), Menochilus sexmaculatus (0.12±0.34), Coccinella septempunctata (0.17±0.40), Brumus sp., (0.12±0.34), and ectoparasitiods; Tamarixia radiata (0.28±0.52), Tetrastichus sp., (0.30±0.54). The overall parasitiods population of eggs (11.44±2.00), larvae (6.98±1.22), and pupae (4.27±0.80), hence; the egg parasitoids; Telenomus sp., (0.11±0.33), and Ooencyrtus papilions (0.10±0.32), the larvae parasitoids, Distatrix papilionis (0.13±0.36), Apanteles papilions (0.09±0.30), and pupae parasitoids, Pteromalus puparum (0.10±0.32) were reported and found with differences in population occurrences. Thus; it is further recommended to keep toxic insecticides free lemon orchards and enhance the activity of natural enemies to reduce the pest population under field conditions.