“…Van Cleave (1928) erected the genus Pallisentis with P. umbellatus as the type species recovered from Ophiocephalus argus, Siniperca sp., Cobitis decemcirrosus and Parasiturus arotus. Several species of the genus were subsequently described from India; these include P. ophiocephali (Thapar, 1930) Baylis, 1933 in Channa marulius from Chittagong, Dhaka; P. nagpurensis Bhalerao 1931 in Ophiocephalus striatus from Maharashtra; P. nandai Sarkar, 1953 in Nandus nandus from Bengal; P. colisai Sarkar, 1956 in Colisa fasciatus from Delhi; P. allahabadii Agarwal, 1958a, b in Ophiocephalus punctatus from Uttar Pradesh; P. basiri Farooqi, 1958 in Rhynchobdella aculeata from Uttar Pradesh; P. pandei Rai, 1967 in O. punctatus from Uttar Pradesh; P. gunteai Sahay, Nath and Sinha, 1967 in Lepidocephalichthys guntea from Bi-har; P. fasciati, P. gomtii and P. cavasii Gupta and Verma, 1980 in Trichogaster fasciatus, N. nandus and Mystus cavasius from Lucknow; and P. jagani Koul, Raina, Bambroo and Koul, 1991 in Channa channa from Jammu. The present report provides a new host/locality record.…”