S U M M A R YGreen functions (GFs) are an essential ingredient in waveform-based earthquake source inversions. Hence, the error due to imprecise knowledge of a crustal velocity model is one of the major sources of uncertainty of the inferred earthquake source parameters. Recent strategies in Bayesian waveform inversions rely on statistical description of the GF uncertainty by means of a Gaussian distribution characterized by a covariance matrix. Here we use Monte-Carlo approach to estimate the GF covariance considering randomly perturbed velocity models. We analyse the dependence of the covariance on various parameters (strength of velocity model perturbations, GF frequency content, source-station distance, etc.). Recognizing that the major source of the GF uncertainty is related to the random time shifts of the signal, we propose a simplified approach to obtain approximate covariances, bypassing the numerically expensive Monte-Carlo simulations. The resulting closed-form formulae for the approximate auto-covariances and cross-covariances between stations and components can be easily implemented in existing inversion techniques. We demonstrate that the approximate covariances exhibit very good agreement with the Monte-Carlo estimates, providing realistic variations of the GF waveforms. Furthermore, we show examples of implementation of the covariance matrix in a Bayesian moment tensor inversion using both synthetic and real data sets. We demonstrate that taking the GF uncertainty into account leads to improved estimates of the moment tensor parameters and their uncertainty.Downloaded from respectively, computed by the discrete wavenumber method for the source-receiver distance of 50 km (σ M = 10 per cent). The black lines are the 'mother' GFs calculated in the mean velocity model. Other colours of waveforms have no meaning and are used only for clearer view. Panel (c) shows cross-covariance matrices for velocity model perturbations (σ M = 10 per cent) as obtained by the Monte-Carlo approach, while matrices in panels (d) and (e) were obtained by the approximate formulae in eqs (11) and (15), respectively. The width of the uniform PDF L 1 = 4σ t used in the approximate formulae is adopted from graph in Fig. 1(d); L 12 is set to zero as the velocity model is the same for the both components. Duration of the dominant part of the earthquake signal was set T = 15 sec. Panel (f) shows comparison of the stationarized Monte-Carlo cross-covariance function (black) and the SAXCF obtained using eq. (15) (red).