Abstract. After a brief review of the basic methods of Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM), including the Transport-of-Intensity formalism for phase reconstruction, we present a few examples of the application of LTEM to multiferroic materials, in this case ferromagnetic shape memory alloys. We discuss observations of magnetic domain walls pinned to anti-phase boundaries in Ni2MnGa, and domain wall behavior under an in-situ applied magnetic field in Fe-Pd-Co.
Lorentz Microscopy: a Brief IntroductionIt is one of the primary goals of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine quantitatively the structure and chemistry of solids. For a periodic structure, this involves determination of the content of the unit cell (atom types and positions). For magnetic materials, this includes determination of the local magnetization state. The characterization of magnetic microstructures is a complex problem, since it involves, in principle, the determination of a three-dimensional (3-D) vector field, i.e., the magnetization M(r), or the induction B(r).Lorentz TEM (or LTEM) relies on the fact that a high energy beam electron is deflected by the magnetic induction inside and around the sample. The deflection angle for a uniformly magnetized foil can be computed from a simple momentum balance [1] and is given by θ L = C L B ⊥ t, with C L = eλ/h, λ the electron wavelength, B ⊥ the induction component normal to the beam, and t the foil thickness. This beam deflection is usually about two orders of magnitude smaller than a typical Bragg angle, which means that the magnetization state in a foil must be studied by analyzing the fine-structure or splitting of the transmitted beam. The primary method to detect small deflections is to defocus the imaging lens, i.e., to look at a plane below or above the sample, so that the lateral shift of the deflected electrons can be measured; the larger the defocus, the larger the lateral shift and, hence, the easier the measurement. However, the larger the defocus, the more blurred the resulting image becomes, so that there is a practical limit to the amount of defocus that will produce interpretable magnetic contrast.The Lorentz deflection angle can be converted into a magnetic phase gradient [2] by means of the relation ∇ϕ m = 2πkθ L e, where k = 1/λ and e is a unit vector. Integrating this relation and substituting typical numerical values shows that magnetic films should normally be regarded as strong, albeit slowly varying, phase objects. It was shown by Aharonov and Bohm [3] that the total phase shift of an electron wave traveling through a magnetic material consists of two contributions (r ⊥ is a vector in the plane normal to the beam): a