Keywords ß-5 Lignin model compound Phenylcoumaran Phenylboronate Stereochemistry NMR X-ray crystallography DihydrodehydrodiisoeugenolThe Stereochemistry c/ß-5 Lignin Model Compounds Summary A ränge of chemical and spectroscopic techniques were used to determine the Stereochemistry of several ß-5 lignin model compounds. In phenylboronate derivatives of the model compounds, the torsional angles implied by the NMR coupling constants in the six-membered ring (J a p = 4 Hz, Jß Y " = 10-12 Hz) confirmed their erythro Stereochemistry. The conformation of the phenylboronatesgave rise to shielding, and consequent unusual spectral dispersion of the aromatic lignin dimer protons in thetr NMR spectra. This allowed the complete assignment of the and I3 C NMR spectra by use of the 2D I3 O'H shift correlation pulse sequence. A threo acetal of one model was synthesised, but synthesis of the threo model itself was not achieved. The NMR spectrum of the threo acetal, with J ep = 10 Hz, indicated an axialaxial arrangement of Ha and Hß, which confirmed the threo configuration. Also reported is an X-ray diffraction crystal structure of dihydrodehydrodiisoeugenol which confirms the chemically predicted erythro Stereochemistry.