In this paper an algorithm is developed which uses contraction mapping to determine the optimal solution of the least absolute value (LAV) static estimation problem. It is noted that the new algorithm is computationally simpler than other methods currently available for this purpose. Minimal computational effort is required to obtain the LAV estimates.Dans cet article, on présente un algorithme développé qui utilise le traçage contracté pour déterminer la solution optimale du problème d'estimation statique de la moindre valeur absolue (LAV). On note que le nouvel algorithme est logistiquement plus simple que les autres méthodes actuellement disponibles dans ce but. Un minimum d'effort de calculs est requis pour obtenir les estimés de LAV. from 2000 to 2006, and as a Visiting Professor at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, during Fall 2006. He earned the first excellent medal and the incentive award as a best scientist in 1992. He has been chosen to be listed in the book Who's Who for the year 2007 for his achievements in his area of expertise. He has authored more than 110 refereed journal papers and more than 70 refereed conference papers. He has co-authored three books in his subject area. His research interests are in power quality, application of fuzzy systems to power systems, and application of state estimation to power systems.